Chris Brown Promotes Weed Smoking Instead Of RLG

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Chris Brown Promotes Weed In Ghana
Ghana based technological company-rLG stands out significantly in Africa with their outstanding but affordable products and immense support for Arts & Entertainment industry in Ghana.
Despite the above, the company’s decision to pay Chris Brown an alleged whooping $1 million to be part of the official unveiling of the ‘Hope City Project’ which the latter failed to attend and also stage a mega concert in Accra have been enormously criticized.
Many of the decision’s critics have over the few weeks leading to Tuesdays nights concert wondered about the corresponding benefits rlG as a brand would derive in giving out such a huge money to Chris Brown.
We’ve heard guys from rlG mention that Chris Brown would promote their brand through by appearing at the sod cutting ceremony and also during the concert.
$1 million may not be huge to Chris Brown and he would probably use it to dye his hair but to a young African company established in a poor third world country which sometimes goes to seek an equivalent amount in foreign aid, it surely matters.
Few hours to the Chris Brown concert, he showed up in Ghana with a frown face. The organizers were supposed to be the ones carrying the frown face since he failed to show up for the all important unveiling and sod cutting ceremony which the President of Ghana (John Mahama) even attended.
Chris Brown’s arrival was received with bliss by many Ghanaians of which some tweeted along the lines ‘at least he is here now so let’s go and enjoy his electrifying performance’. He failed to be in the country on time for arranged radio interviews but what can we say? He has our $1 million…
On his arrival at airport, Chris Brown failed to hop into a luxurious Limousine with a fancy dressed chauffeur which was arranged to pick him up with his people saying, ‘he is not keen on Limousines’. According to them, Chris Brown sees Limousines ‘as a ride for prom’, GhanaCelerbrties.Com has learned.
Meanwhile, just last month in Hawaii, Chris Brown partied with his girlfriend in a Limo on her birthday, GhanaCelebrities.Com has uncovered. We guess he was taking the piss…
His performance at the concert was amazing; he brought his usual electrifying stage craft and energy to Ghana. He performed several of his hit songs with patrons singing along.
His great performance which lasted over an hour was characterized with vulgar language which Ghanaians are not used to…
Instead of promoting the rLG or throwing in a word or two about the brand, he decided to take the piss again by promoting the use of marijuana when he knows or ought to know this is an illegal substance in many countries including Ghana.
Whiles performing one of his songs,  he happily asked if there were weed smokers in Ghana and proceeded to say “if anybody’s tripping on you smoking weed, fuck them”.
He pulled out a rolled ‘joint’ and smoked it live on stage… No Ghanaian entertainer dare do this openly in Ghana and go free. The police would have been on him or the crowd would consider it extensively offensive. However, Chris Brown came, did it and flew away!
The concert was great but the piss take by Chris Brown leading and during the concert was absurd! Surely, no one pays another $1 million to be disrespected…

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