Police intercept truck load of cocoa beans robbed at gun point

 Two suspected armed robbers are in the grips of the police in Ashanti region for robbing a truck load of dried cocoa beans valued at over Gh¢120,000.

Twenty-six year old Kwabena Amoako and Awudu Razak, 22, together with other accomplices on run, took possession of an articulated truck loaded with 550 bags of cocoa beans at Hwidiem.

Narrating the ordeal to Luv News, the truck driver, George Boakye, said that he and other three colleagues fell into the hands of the robbers at Hwidiem on the Sunyani-Kumasi highway.

According to him, the gang opened fire on him but managed to escape unhurt. His colleagues were however robbed and detained by the robbers for close to eight hours.

Ashanti Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Mohammed Tanko, says Amajaro Ghana Limited on Sunday May 26, 2013 dispatched the vehicle from the Brong Ahafo region for its contents to be discharged at Tema in Accra.

A gang of six men, armed with guns and knives onboard an unidentified private vehicle attacked and robbed the truck load of cocoa beans, together with three mobile phones and cash of Gh¢690.00.

ASP Tanko says the robbers were heading towards Kumasi when the police patrol team on Monday intercepted them at Mfensi in the Ashanti region.

“They were looking for a place to hide [the goods] so that when things cool they can transport it to where ever they want to sell”, he alleged. “Mostly what they do is that when they are able to get a place and park, then they load it onto another vehicle for onward transportation to wherever they want”.

The police PRO entreated businesses to collaborate with the security agencies in instituting measures for swift response to protect lives and property on the highway.

An official of Amajaro Ghana intimated to Luv news the installation of a vehicle tracking device on the vehicle facilitated the interception.

Police investigators are on the lookout for other suspected accomplices.

photo by : Erastus Asare Donkor, LUV FM (MULTIMEDIA)

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