Man, Girlfriend Arrested For Stealing

A 40-year-old trader and his girlfriend who went on a stealing spree, robbing rechargeable card dealers of quantities of rechargeable cards and monies have been nabbed by the Adenta District Police Command.

The suspect Odartey Lamptey, 40, and Lamley Otoo, 40, his girlfriend, were nabbed at Amenhia Toll Booth near Adenta on Wednesday by the Police after they attempted to escape with the booty in a taxi.

According to the Police, when a search was conducted on the suspects, it was discovered that Lameley had hidden the booty concealed in a bag in her panties.

Two other persons have also identified the suspects as those who robbed them of their rechargeable cards earlier in the day.

The suspects are currently in police custody awaiting trial.

Confirming the story to DAILY GUIDE, DSP Stephen Kofi Ahiatafu, the Adenta District Police Commander said the suspects were arrested on Wednesday May 29, 2013, at Amenhia Toll Booth after Police on duty received a message from a 20-year-old recharge card dealer that the two had stolen her bag containing recharge cards.

When the taxi occupied by the suspects was impounded and searched, the bag containing the recharge cards was not found.

But the items were later discovered hidden in the panties of Lameley when she was escorted to a nearby bush by the Police to pass urine.

Suspect Lamley, according to the District Commander, had wanted to throw the bag containing the exhibits into the nearby bush.

When the victim who was robbed appeared at the station where the suspects were being kept, she identified them as those who robbed her and went on to select her polythene containing her rechargeable cards valued GH¢167 cedis.

Narrating to the police how her bag was picked by the two, the victim said the suspects visited her shop in a taxi to buy tin tomatoes around 10:00am that fateful day.

When she went into the store to pick the items on the shelves, they picked her bag containing the recharge cards and bolted with the taxi leaving the items asked for.

Upon realizing that the recharge cards had been taken away by the suspects, the victim raised the alarm for their arrest.

Some residents who had the contact number of the Police on duty at the Amenhia Toll Booth, called for their arrest.

Two other victims, who heard of the arrest of the suspects, also visited the station to identify them as the suspects who had used the same modus operandi to pick their bags containing recharge cards that morning.

Their cards were also found in the bag of the suspects together with money collected from cards sold earlier.

In all, a total of recharge cards valued GH¢414 were found with the suspects together with unspecified sums of money.

DSP Ahiatafu said the suspects would be sent to court soon.

By Linda Tenyah

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